Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ft. Worth Zoo

I am not sure what we were thinking when we decided to go to the zoo in mid august, but we did and still managed to have a great time!! It was hot of course, but we arrived right as the doors opened then ate lunch indoors and that helped. The kids had a great time. We went with our good friend Jennifer and her 3 kids, so it was a little crazy considering it was 2 moms and 6 kids lol!

I asked Lauren when we got home what her favorite thing at the zoo was and she said ummm I think it was the ice cream. So I said no, what was your favorite ANIMAL so she said "Oh in that case it was the bear" She is getting so grown, I can't imagine what it will be like next year. Logan's Favorite animal was the lions. We actually stopped to eat our snack with the lions, so he was able to just stand there and watch them for a while, which is great for Logan because he is an observer. I think that Lucas Paul loved it all, especially the hippo, he was huge!!! We came home and all the kids took great naps! They were so tired from all the fun and the heat.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Well, we are doing the Biggest Loser at church and so....Jeremy and I joined the gym. So, needless to say we are so incredibly sore. I am so excited to be a part of such a wonderful vision that is concerned about our WHOLE self! Mind body and most importantly Spirit. I am glad that it gave Jeremy and I the kick that we needed to start taking care of our self more, however I don't think that we have a chance at winning considering that Jeremy gained weight since the first weigh in and his fitness goal that he set is 175 lbs which is a gain of 8lbs of muscle. I need to find a new partner LOL!! So we went and had all of our measurements and such taken, so they decided that Jeremy gets 3000 calories a day. Seriously, 3000 calories, and I get the joy of having 1500 a day. I don't think I have ever eaten just 1500 calories in a day, with the exception of days when I was fasting. In fact its the end of the day and I am sacrificing my final 145 calories of the day to have our daily frozen soda. I am gonna need lots of prayer to get to my goal weight so I can concentrate on maintaining weight instead of losing it. Well we are off to the Ft. Worth Zoo tomorrow, so I will post pics and update again tomorrow.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Lauren is growing up(TOO FAST)

Well, I went today and enrolled my sweet Lauren in Pre-School! It really seems like yesterday that Jeremy and I were at his Mom and Pops house on the lake with friends waiting for her to arrive! I can not believe how fast it truly goes. I am still not very sure of the route that I am gonna go with schooling, so I hope that this year will give me more insight. I really want to make sure that each of my children have a strong enough spiritual walk before sending them off into the world. I am not sure if I will choose public schools, private schools, or homeschooling. We are going to on Thursday to "Meet the Teacher". We are so blessed that one of our friends is a teacher at the school, and more than that she is going to be the teachers aide in Laurens class this year! So, anyways I will be posting pictures on Thursday when she see her class and teachers for the first time!!! Yea, two days a week I will only have 2 kids at home!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Splash Kingdom

We had such a wonderful time at splash kingdom!! I am so excited that the kids are getting older and they are able to enjoy places like that now. We started the day out at church, which was so awesome. Pastor Richie brought in his personal trainer and we were able to have a Question and Answer time during our 9:00am service. It was so informative and gave Jeremy and I that kick that we needed to get started on the Biggest Loser Challenge that is going on at church right now. Which is great being as I only lost .8 pounds last week and Jeremy GAINED 2lbs. Then, 10:30 service Pastor continued The Relationship that Sustains series. We are going to amazing places in our church right now and it is so awesome to be a part of it!!! Then of course was Splash Kingdom time. The kids were so awesome and played their little hearts out. I have never seen them have a better time. It was so nice to just be able to have a good time with our children and not worry about anything else, we are so busy all the time that we don't just have fun nearly enough! Well, off to have down time and read some more of the new book I started. Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Summer 09

Well, we have had a super busy summer. Jeremy changed jobs in march so that has been a HUGE adjustment. Then, at the end of may my mother, sister and two nieces moved in with us. It was a really crazy 3 months, however while they were living with us both my sister and mother got SAVED!!!!! So all the craziness was SOOO worth it.
We have also been incredibly busy at church. We just kicked off regroups(our form of cell groups), which our Pastor asked Jeremy and I to coordinate. Our first one was amazing and I look forward to this Wednesday night! We also just held our 3rd Annual Give a Kid a Chance outreach, where we were able to help over 100 children of single parents by giving them the school supplies, uniforms, doctors visit, haircuts and oil changes to start the school year off. I am so blessed to be a part of such an amazing vision!! Well, gotta go get things ready for church tomorrow. We are going to Splash Kingdom Water park with the church after service!! The kids are so excited.....will post pics tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I love my life

the basics of me you can read in the about me section on my profile. but i just wanted to start this profile so that our family could keep up with how things are going with us. so lets start by an update on the babies.......lauren is about to be four, she is so excited for her birthday party which we are having at an indoor bouce house place with her favorite carebear theme!! she has now been talking about it for a month so i will be so glad when it actually gets here!!! she is so incredibly smart and blows us blows us away everyday with the things she knows. Logan is about to start potty training and he is still a little clingy. ever since lucas was born he has had a tough transition, so it is so important for us to find extra time just to love on him!!! however, he had been getting alot of alone time with jeremy so he is really becoming a daddys boy. he absolutly loves to help with anything relating to tools!!! then there is baby lucas, he is growing up so fast!!! he is only three months old now, but he is already about 12lbs and is rolling over!!! he is so smiley and loves to look around. he is so alert for such a little thing. so thats pretty much the update for today!!! of course jeremy and i are doing wonderful!!! i love my husband more today than yesterday and my love continues to grow everytime i look at him! my God is so good to me!!!!